Wednesday, February 5, 2025

January check in

 Linking to Chookshed challenge

For January I had to quickly finish a baby quilt as the baby was born a month early.

It was this quilt and I was in such a hurry to send it off that I forgot to take a photo of it finished. 


I finished another one for a baby due in February and 3 more are basted ready to quilt. 

My number for this month is my cross stitch. 

It has advanced from 55% to 61% done

Looking forward to making progress this month.

1 comment:

  1. These blankets look so good! I used to make baby quilts and blankets all the time, but since work has gotten so crazy, I've had to take a step back. This makes me want to set some time aside and work on a blanket that I started ages ago. Thanks so much for sharing!
