Wednesday, February 5, 2025

January check in

 Linking to Chookshed challenge

For January I had to quickly finish a baby quilt as the baby was born a month early.

It was this quilt and I was in such a hurry to send it off that I forgot to take a photo of it finished. 


I finished another one for a baby due in February and 3 more are basted ready to quilt. 

My number for this month is my cross stitch. 

It has advanced from 55% to 61% done

Looking forward to making progress this month.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A possible list

 Linking to Chookshed challenge

These are my projects for consideration. 

1. Baby quilts 

I  need 2 by February and one by June

2. Quilts to be quilted.

I have 5 basted that have been sitting in a queue for ever.

3. Two new dresses. 

My current dresses I made 16 years ago. I would like some new ones.

4. 40th birthday quilt, due April.

5. Christmas stockings for the triplets. 

6. Christmas ornaments for grandchildren. 

These are the 12 days of Christmas,  all prepped ready to stitch. 

7. Triplets bed quilts.

This project is leftover from last year.

8. 3 crocheted rugs.

9. Diamond painting I am doing as a SAL

10. Cross Stitch graduation present.

I don't know how 2025 will pan out. I am finally living back home after nearly 5 years.
Will I want to follow a list in order?
Will I want to work on what is due first?
Will I want to work on each project to completion or split the projects up and pace myself?
Will I want to ignore my list completely and just work on each day only what I feel like or just sit down and read a book?

I  really do not know. 
Stay tuned 😉 

Friday, October 4, 2024

I got there

Linking to  Chookshed challenge

My challenge for September was my sheep tapestry but I had already made the decision to gift it to the thrift store.

I still had 3 of my mother's quilt tops to finish quilting. 

They are all now finished although I didn't get a photo of the third quilt. 

I have now quilted 5 for her this year and there are no more of hers in the queue. 

The only challenge left undone are the applique quilts for the triplets. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Mid August progress

 Linking to Chookshed challenge

I have finished two more scarves for charity. 

I finished quilting one of my mother's quilts and delivered it to her to finish stitching down the binding. 

I need to finish quilting the next quilt.


Thursday, August 1, 2024

August challenge

 Linking to Chookshed challenge

The challenge for August is a wedding quilt and I have finished it.

Instead I will focus on quilting my mother's quilts 

First up

I am hoping to make good progress 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A big week of finishes

 Linking to Design wall monday

Linking to Chookshed challenge

I have had a lot of finishes this week. 

Adding 2 extra scarf finishes 

Firstly a scarf for charity. 

I finished 13 pairs of fingerless mitts,  also for charity. 

I finished quilting and binding a table runner.  This was a practice piece for different quilting designs and thread colours.

A finished quilt for a friend of DD #2 who is having health challenges. 

A wedding quilt for a family friend.

A cushion to go with one of the quilts.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Finally a finish

Linking to Chookshed challenge  

I have finally finished this project that has been a ufo for about 30 years.

There is one more little ornament that is already finished and attached to the wreath. 

That is at home and I will tie them all on the next time I am there.