Monday, July 23, 2012

Endings and beginnings

I have made progress on the 5 quilts that I had cut out.
Here are some blocks from the first quilt that I need to determine the lay out for

My outrageous plan is to have all 5 quilts finished by the end of the week.
I need to start an appliqué marathon and plan to do that  while the Olympics are on

The appliqué is all prepared and ready to go.

I have really enjoyed the Tour de Fibre this year and look forward to repeating it again in future years.


  1. Thanks for following us on our Tour de Fibre. And we are going to do it next year too :)

  2. You really are productive! And yes - the Olympics are on very soon. I am well prepared...

  3. Well done! I achieved my 4 things but if I had time left I would've moved my goal posts to include having the Fairy quilt top finished and the North Pole blocks sewn not just bonded.

    I hope you achieve your Olympic Goal- 5 rings and 5 quilts. It seems apt. :-)
